“Mr. Tsukiyama’s Animation Class” series (2 volumes)
Complex Chinese version are published
Don't say you can't draw animations! In this book, we will play with: a camera obscura, a mysterious disc, and a flip book. With simple paper-cutting crafts, you can quickly make them, and it's so much fun. Next, you will learn how to create a story script and turn it into original drawings...
“The Incredible Mathematics Kingdom” series (3 volumes)
Complex Chinese version are published
Mathematics is the key to unlocking all sciences. By learning mathematics, we create more choices for children's future! This book uses light-hearted and fun stories to transform mathematics from a daunting creature into an approachable subject. With the right learning methods, children can gain a competitive edge for the future!
“Imaginative Picture Book” series (5 volumes)
Simplified Chinese version published
This series is based on the manuscripts written many years ago by the Japanese master of children’s literature, Haruo Fukami. After updated and reviewed, it is published for the first time in China! The watermelons on the road for a journey, children can doodle and play in the night, frogs can row boats in the rain, monsters and babies live together. In this fantastic world, imagination becomes reality, and the whimsical story enlightens the children. These picture books in the series perfectly match the children’s psychological needs, furnish them with the courage and strength to explore the future!
“Susumu Sakurai’s master class of mathematics” series (6 volumes)
Simplified Chinese and Complex Chinese version are published
Mathematics Enlightenment - Opening the door to mathematics is easy! The book uses simple and interesting stories and lively illustrations to introduce mathematical concepts. It guides children to actively discover the mysteries of mathematics and enhances their logical thinking abilities.
“The mathematics bus” series (6 volumes)
Simplified Chinese, Complex Chinese, Japanese version are published
Math bus and the guys passing through the time channel and started a journey of adventure……. Remarkable story and interesting illustrations sparked the fire of learning inside the mind of little readers.
“The charming laboratory” series (6 volumes)
Simplified Chinese and Complex Chinese version are published
This series successfully attract little readers to do it with bare hands and brains, while stimulating their imagination and creativity without boring lectures in the classroom. And the series help the readers to fully dominate the fundamentally scientific knowledge under the curious and joyful atmosphere.